Message from Stewardship - Fall 2024 (See 9.18.24 Weekly E-News for complete message)

Over the next few weeks the stewardship committee will ask the congregation to do three things in recognition of all that God has given this congregation:  

· First, we are going to ask you on November 17th, as an individual or family, to use a congregational pledge card to      memorialize your intention to help St. Paul’s establish a budget each year.  

· Second, we are going to ask the members to increase the number of pledge cards the church receives to 80% of our congregational giving units, which is 92 pledge cards. 

· Third, as a congregation, we are asking that our overall giving (as a community) increase each year for the next 4 years to meet our current budget deficit. 

Please reach out to anyone on the Stewardship Committee with questions about these asks or if you would like to chat more about our goals. Please mark November 17th on your calendar and start considering what your intention might look like! We look forward to doing this together! 

St. Paul’s Stewardship Committee--Christi Barnhart, Christine Klecic, and Veronica Ferris